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We conduct surveys on LinkedIn to keep our finger on the pulse of omnichannel marketing and customer experience. In this article, we wanted to share with you the results from our recent surveys.

Reducing costs in the mobile world

SMS is one of the most important channels, especially for brands targeting large audiences. Brands are also making efforts for cost optimization in this regard. In our survey, we asked which method was effective to reduce SMS expenses. The most prominent answer was the Push/SMS Fallback method with 59%. To elaborate on this method, companies can send push messages especially to users who use their mobile applications and allow push notifications. In addition to the cost advantage of push notifications, they have the feature of adding visuality to the content more effectively. In the Push/SMS Fallback method, brands first send push notifications to their audiences. Then they send SMS to users whose push notifications do not reach. With Push/SMS Fallback, which is an effective method to ensure that notifications are received, SMS costs are also reduced. Instead of sending SMS to the entire audience, sending SMS to people who did not receive the push notification reduces mobile communication costs. If
you want to get more detailed information about this method, you can contact us.

Highlights from Our Recent LinkedIn Polls

In our survey, the preference of Push/SMS Fallback includes giving weight to other channels with 33%. At this point, e-mail marketing can also be used more effectively. Again, if there is a mobile application, campaigns can be organized in order to increase the use of customers, and push notification permission can be encouraged. The least preferred choice in our survey was to reduce the number of SMSes sent by 7%. Especially in some sectors, sending important notifications and one-time passwords via SMS are still critical.

Channels in the chatbot world

Chatbots are becoming an important part of communication with the masses for companies. They allow interactive communication with customers, with advantages such as providing fast information and being available 24/7. In our second survey, we asked which channel would come to the fore in 2022 regarding chatbot. Here, WhatsApp comes to the fore with a significant rate of 78%. WhatsApp, which is widely used in the world, has now become an important communication tool for businesses. With chatbots on WhatsApp, brands are reducing their operational costs as well as improving the customer experience. The second option in our survey was the “other channels” option. These include Telegram, WeChat, Viber, Slack, etc. where chatbots can take place. Apple Business Chat came in third with 8%. If you need a corporate chatbot, you can get detailed information from our chatbot builder page.

See you in our new polls

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