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Coronavirus has drastically changed the way we perceive our lives, communicate, and work. While we focus on basic needs for survival, we also try to continue with our businesses, transforming our efforts into different forms in times of uncertainty.  Digital is the way to go to since it keeps us connected with working millions staying at homes.


As communication shifted to digital channels, using them effectively became the priority for many unprepared institutions. Most of them use different communication methods to some levels, but keeping them high performing and orchestrated becomes critical in crisis times. And marketing context changes to answer urgent needs rather than fun shopping.


How can we keep our communication alive to state that we are still here and standing for our customers? Let’s drill down some points to consider.


Check your omnichannel availability and re-consider variety


At regular times, brands may create results with a limited number of channels. But when a crisis arrives, the reach potential of these may fall due to unexpected circumstances. In the case of a cut in internet service, GSM lines will be an alternative for reaching masses. In fact, in some parts of the world, SMS is still on the top of the list for communication. For example, considering the unavailabilities in call centers during uncertain times, chatbots can help to answer requests by customers. Having alternative channels in hand will be an advantage for the continuity of corporate messaging.


Ensure your audience that you are there for them


First messages play a critical role in troubled times. So instead of direct marketing and sales-related topics, sharing empathy regarding the situation will highlight you stand for your audience. With that, informing on the changing service conditions will be extremely helpful since the tolerance of people in uncertain situations is low. They may overreact in cases of unavailability, but updating them on changes without delays is essential to maintain customer satisfaction.


Replan your message delivery timelines


Situations like quarantine affect the daily lives of the masses. The timing of your messages should fit these changes. Also, the frequency will be another important dimension. People are face to face with their devices more often than regular times, so brands need to be more careful not to look spammy. Constant analysis of the behaviors of your audience is the key to making the right changes in your scheduling.


Revise your current automated campaigns


Programmatic and automated campaigns and ads increase the efficiency of marketing activities, but in times of crisis, marketers should immediately check the content. They should stop the ones that are irrelevant to the current extraordinary conditions. Let’s say you are a sportswear company, and a quarantine starts, you can’t continue with your ad inspiring people to go outside to do sports with their friends. If there’s an automatic campaign scheduled before, you should immediately stop it.


People will remember favors granted in hard times


Constructing an emotional bond with consumers is essential for long-lasting brand-customer relationships. In uncertain times delivering campaigns with extra advantages will have a positive effect on your brand image. As running these campaigns, don’t forget to share effectively in your available channels. Also, check and revise personal and hyperpersonal campaigns to match current conditions.


Feel free to contact us on engagement with your audience in times of uncertainty.