Email Marketing Email Marketing’s Duo Forces: Segmentation and Personalization(Serhat Beyazkaya, SmartMessage Product Marketing Manager) Even though email marketing is considered to be a bulk… Arda Saglamer
Email Marketing Increase Your Email Deliverability Rates via IP Address Warming(Pınar Bilican, SmartMessage Customer Success Manager) Email is one of the most effective communication channels for… Arda Saglamer
Email Marketing Improve Your Email Marketing Performance with the List Hygiene(Serhat Beyazkaya, SmartMessage Product Marketing Manager) The hard bounce is the most common reason of delivery fails… Arda Saglamer
Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Secrets: Ensure Responsive DesignThe design is a crucial aspect of digital marketing activities. Progress in hardware and software… Arda Saglamer
Email Marketing The Importance of Lifecycle Email Marketing in Sales and Engagement TargetsOne effective way of engaging with your new subscribers is implementing a lifecycle email strategy.… Arda Saglamer
Email Marketing The Importance of “Sender” Information in Email MarketingOne of the pillars of email marketing success is the trustability. Once your subscribers forget… Arda Saglamer
Omnichannel Marketing What is OTP and how is it Beneficial for Your Business?For industries like banking and e-commerce, users' privacy is extremely critical. Since we talk about… Arda Saglamer
Mobile Marketing Build SMS Campaigns That Attract and ConvertSMS marketing is still one of the effective methods of customer engagement. The opportunity is… SmartMessage
Digital Marketing Data Management is the Essence of Succesful Email Marketing – Here’s WhyFirst things first, you need to have a contact or subscriber list to start the… SmartMessage
Industry Marketing Real Case: A single platform increasing the communication efficiency of a bank with over 1400 branchesIf you are trying to deliver a consistent message to a vast audience from many… SmartMessage